
Measures of Student Achievement and Success

Roch Carrier follows the guidelines set out in the OCDSB Policy and Procedure for Student Assessment and Evaluation on the OCDSB website. We are also guided by the fundamental principles stated in Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010) . Roch Carrier staff recognizes that the primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning as well as guide our teaching practices.

Teachers use a wide variety of assessment methods to monitor student achievement including: daily observation, pencil/paper tasks, projects, presentations, response journals, learning logs, quizzes and end of unit tests.  This information is also used to help develop relevant guided reading programs within the classroom.

Following a provincial mandate, all Grades 3 and 6 students participate in the provincial assessment, EQAO , at the end of the school year. Procedures are in place for students who require additional support or assistance. Classroom teachers refer students to a School Based Special Education Team . This team is comprised of our Learning Support Teachers as well as the administration. Together with the classroom teachers, the needs of the student are assessed and a course of action is determined. This may include further observation or assessment, accommodations or modifications within the classroom setting, support from the Learning Support Teacher (LST) or Learning Resource Teacher (LRT), or referrals to other school board professionals. Our Special Education Team is always available to assist classroom teachers in planning for the needs of all students.