How a cake walk works:
- Parents, grandparents, or guardians make nut-free cakes, cupcakes, tarts, squares, etc.
- All baked items are dropped off at school on the morning of the event.
- Cakes are displayed in the library. Each class has an opportunity to view the cakes.
- Students place their pre-purchased tickets into bags in front of the cakes they wish to win.
- Draws take place and winners are notified.
- The number of winners depends on the number of cakes donated.
- In order to maximize the number of winners, each family can win one cake only.
A notice will go home one to two weeks before each event.
Tickets can then be purchased for 25 cents each or ten for $2.00
from your child’s teacher.
The following are some important guidelines:
1. All items must be nut-free.
2. List all ingredients where they can be seen.
3. Cakes cannot go on the bus to or from school.
4. Cakes can be dropped off at the school anytime after 7:30am.
5. Cakes can be picked up after school until 4:00pm
Parent volunteers are always needed to help run this event. You do not need to be a member of the Parent Council to volunteer.