School Council

This School Council website is a  great resource for staying up to date with the latest information for things going on with both the council and with the school. 

The Roch Carrier School Council is a partnership between parents, school staff, and interested community members. This group of volunteers is dedicated to enriching the lives of ROCH students through special events, hot lunches, and funding for school sports and extracurricular programs. We also have a formal role in making parent opinions and recommendations known to the school administration.

Ways council gives back to the school:

The council works with the school to arrange events, activities and help provide suggestions. Some of the items we worked on this year include:

  • School food & lunch programs
  • Rochin’ Fun Fair at the end of the school year
  • An annual cake walk

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Some of the items council has funded:

The council works with the school to fund events, activities and provide supplies. There is an attempt to ensure a relative balance of funding throughout the grade levels. This year, some of the items we have helped fund (often jointly with the school or parents) include:

  • Mathletes
  • Tablets for classrooms
  • Hip Hop dance activities
  • Kinball for the school
  • Science in Schools program
  • Earth care program
  • Supplies requested by teachers

Other council initiatives:

Some of the other things that the council has been working on to help provide positive impacts on the school include:

  • Active transportation surveys and traffic review were completed in conjunction with school board, city and police department. Action plans for the school are being looked at in the next year.
  • Discussions with school trustee (Alysha Aziz).
  • Participation with OCASC (Ottawa Carleton Assembly of School Councils) for idea sharing and information updates (
  • Improve communication to parents by setting up new Council website where parents can subscribe for weekly updates.
  • Provide support for green team initiatives like the ‘Litterless Lunch on Fridays’ and classroom composting.
  • Working to increase and support school/community garden.
  • Opportunity for school clubs and community associations to make presentations.


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