
The school council runs numerous fundraising events and special activities throughout the school year that benefit from the talents and dedication of school and community volunteers.  We are looking for individuals to volunteer a little bit of their time to ensure Roch Carrier remains the great school it is.  Below we have outlined several ways for you to be involved with the school.  If you can help in any of the following areas, please email us at: [email protected]

  • Roch School Council – we are always looking for new ideas and fresh perspectives.  Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month in the library from 7-8:30pm.
  • Lunch Program and Milk Volunteers – we always need volunteers to assist with the food program of the day (time needed 12:45-1:45 p.m. approximately).  Whether you can help every week, or just once in the year, it is all appreciated and helpful.
  • Fundraising Campaigns – Help is needed planning, promoting and executing events.
  • Cake Walk – we require help at the event on the day of the cake walk.
  • Rochin’ Family Fun Fair – This event is held near the end of the year and requires the assistance of many volunteers to organize the event, serve refreshments, set up before and clean up after the event.  Time commitment 1-2 hours on the day of the event and/or 1-4 hours per month leading up to the event.
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